Wire-Line Core Barrel Assembly

Drilling Diameter: BQ, NQ, PQ, HQ
Net Weight:30-145kg

product Introduction

The complete core barrel is made up of many spare parts, which are head assembly, pump-out adaptor, piston plug, O ring, core ejection ring, outer tube, inner tube, extension tube, stop ring, core lifter, core lifter case, locking coupling, adaptor coupling, landing ring, outer tube, inner tube stabilizer, thread protector, core bit, etc.


Wire-line core drilling equipment is primarily used in deep coring. With an overshot device, it eliminates the need to couple and uncouple the rod string each time when the core is removed.


Size Units Serial No. Net weight(kg) Remark
BQ set 11-4 41.5 Length=3m
NQ set 11-1 63 Length=3m
HQ set 11-2 97 Length=3m
PQ set 11-3 136 Length=3m
BQ set 11-4-2 30 Length=1.5m
NQ set 11-1-2 55 Length=1.5m
HQ set 11-2-2 80 Length=1.5m
PQ set 11-3-2 98 Length=1.5m
NQ3 set 11-1-3 70 Length=3m(include split tube)
HQ3 set 11-2-3 108 Length=3m(include split tube)
NQ3 set 11-1-4 62 Length=1.5m(include split tube)
HQ3 set 11-2-4 92 Length=1.5m(include split tube)
PQ3 set 11-3-4 145 Length=1.5m(include split tube)
BTW set 11-2-5 39 Length=1.5m
NTW set 11-3-5 60 Length=1.5m


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